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  • sarahnoelani227

Prague, Czech Republic

From Brussels, I took a short flight to Prague. Once I landed, I took a bus then the underground subway to get to the Airbnb I was sharing with my roommate, who arrived earlier in the day. I quickly stopped at a market to grab some ramen to make for dinner since it was already late. I arrived to the Airbnb, made my ramen, took a shower and called it a night.

The morning of April 26th started slow but we eventually made our way to the city center area of Prague. This area houses the Astronomical Clock and the Church of Our Lady Before Tyn, two famous buildings. We ended up watching the show on the Astronomical Clock that happens every hour. At this point, it was lunchtime so we walked to a Czech restaurant that was super traditional. We got trays and made our way down the line, picking up the things we wanted. I ended up with a mushroom and dill soup with beef goulash and bread dumplings as my main dish. This food was so good, it was like eating a home-cooked meal! After, we walked to a rooftop bar that looked over the entire city center area. The weather was perfect in Prague so this was really enjoyable. That night, we went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant nearby called Las Adelitas where I had a frozen mango maragrita and enchiladas. After dinner, we walked to the Charles Bridge to see the city at night and also walk by the famous five story club. We grabbed another drink in hopes of going to a different club but we kinda bailed on that idea and went to bed.

Saturday, April 27th, started with coffee and breakfast at a place we found nearby. I ordered an iced latte and cinnamon crepes with fresh fruit. Everything was super good! After, we walked over the Charles Bridge and made our way to The Lennon Wall, a wall that has been filled with John Lennon–inspired graffiti, lyrics from Beatles' songs, and designs relating to local and global causes. After, we walked up to the Prague Castle where we had reservations. We walked around the entirety of the castle grounds including the Golden Lane, St. George's Basilica, Old Royal Palace, and St Vitus Cathedral, the best for last. St. Vitus Cathedral is the largest and the most important temple in Prague. Apart from religious services, coronations of Czech kings and queens also took place here. The cathedral is a place of burial of several patron saints, sovereigns, noblemen and archbishops. Not only is the cathedral significant, it is also absolutely breathtaking. The stained glass windows inside completely took my breath away, they were the most beautiful windows I've ever seen. At this point, we worked up quite the appetite and luckily we had a reservation at a restaurant nearby called Kuchyn. We ordered pork neck schnitzel with potato salad and pickled cucumbers which was really tasty. After lunch, we walked up to the Strahov Library which is one of the most valuable and best-preserved historical libraries. We continued on to the Petřín Tower, resembled after the Eiffel Tower and used as an observation tower as well as a transmission tower. We made our way back down the hill and eventually back over the bridge to the Airbnb after our long day of walking and climbing. For dinner, we went to a ramen place close by.

Our last day, Sunday April 28th, began with a really yummy breakfast at a place called Venue. I got a chai latte and French toast with bacon. Afterwards, we began our travel day home back to Florence. It was an incredible weekend in Prague and I feel so lucky I got to see it before this semester comes to an end!


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