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  • sarahnoelani227

Goodbye, Firenze!

I feel like I was just writing my Pre-Departure post on this blog site and now the semester has suddenly come to an end. This semester has been nothing short of amazing and I feel so lucky to have gotten the opportunity to study in Florence. Florence proved to be the most incredible city to live in with its rich culture in history and art while also offering delicious food and friendly people. It was a great hub to access other countries on the weekend as well. This semester I got to travel to 15 new countries which is more than I could’ve imagined! They were all incredible in their own ways and each offered something unique. Many people have asked me what my favorite country was that I visited, and truthfully, I can’t answer that question, because of how different they all were. I always say it depends what you’re looking for and what you want out of a trip. Each weekend was unforgettable and I’m so lucky I was able to experience it with my roommates who went from strangers to best friends. Now that the semester is over, I’m not quite sure how I’m gonna live without them or go months without seeing each other. I know we will see each other soon, we already have plans for the future! I always knew studying abroad was going to be a dream come true but they don’t tell you how fast is goes by or remembering to soak up every second. This experience was truly like no other and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Thank you Florence for the hospitality and friendliness, I will forever love you. And thank you to this study abroad experience for teaching so much about traveling, food, people, and myself, I’m the luckiest girl in the world!




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Sarah in Florence


My Study Abroad Adventure

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