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  • sarahnoelani227


For the final trip of my semester abroad, my roommates and I decided to take a beach vacation to Malta. We took a train to Rome on Thursday May 2nd and then a short hour flight to the island of Malta. We landed at night and checked into our Airbnb before going to bed.

Friday morning, May 3rd, we grabbed breakfast to go because we had a boat tour to Comino Island including the Crystal Lagoon, Blue Lagoon and sea caves. The boat departed at 11:00am and our first stop was Crystal Lagoon. Once we arrived, we had an hour to swim around or even go down the slide off the side of the boat. The Mediterranean water was cool but quite refreshing. After an hour, we headed off to the island of Gozo where many people had tours to walk around. However, we opted to stay on the boat and wait for the next destination, the Blue Lagoon. The Blue Lagoon of Comino Island is described by many as a paradise on earth, or the clearest waters ever seen. I can see why people would say this because the water here was unbelievable! We had four hours to relax on the beach here and soak in the beautiful view. It was so relaxing to be back on a beach after months of seeing lots of cities. Once our time was up, we headed back on the boat to explore the sea caves. Along with the crystal clear blue water, Malta is also known for their sea caves, so these were really cool to see. After a long day, we made it back to shore and had a thirty minute drive home. We showered and decided to order pizzas since we were all exhausted and a little sunburned.

The next day, Saturday May 4th, started with finding an açaí bowl place right next to our Airbnb. We ordered our bowls and they were SO delicious, it truly reminded me of Hawai'i! After eating, we ubered to a beach that is on the north-east coast of Malta called Mellieha Bay. We laid out our towels and soaked in the sun all day, it was exactly what I needed before the craziness of finals approaches. Around 5pm, we made our way back to the Airbnb to shower and get ready to take some sunset pictures. After getting pictures we went to dinner at a place called Fortizza which is right on the water. We ordered calamari and spring rolls as an appetizer and I got a salmon steak for my main dish. Of course we got dessert, which was a chocolate soufflé with vanilla ice cream. We were very satifsied and we only had a short walk home. We all spent some quality time together before calling it a night.

Sunday, May 5th, we got up around 8:00am to make our way to Valletta for a yummy bagel spot. I ordered a plain bagel with chive cream cheese, egg, and bacon which absolutly hit the spot since I haven’t gotten a good bagel since being here! To go with it, I got a chai with espresso in it. After our breakfast, we headed to the airport to make our way back to Florence. It was a short but an amazing weekend in Malta, the perfect way to wrap up my semester abroad. We have one more weekend but I'm opting to stay in Florence to study before finals week. This last trip with my roommates was unforgettable and I'm not sure how I'm going to leave them when the semester ends.💔


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My Study Abroad Adventure

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