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  • sarahnoelani227

Brussels & Bruges, Belgium

The third week of April was a short week at school, which meant leaving for my weekend trip even earlier than normal. Wednesday after class I headed home to pack my bag and leave for Brussels, Belgium. I arrived in Brussels that evening where I checked into my Airbnb before heading out to get dinner. I found a nearby place that had amazing reviews and even a line outside the door, so I figured the food had to be amazing, and sure enough it was! The restaurant was a mix between French & Belgian cuisines; I ordered beef stew and mashed potatoes which was absolutely delicious. Afterwards, I walked home to get ready for bed and plan for the next day. 

The morning of April 25th started with a quick walk to Grand-Place which is like the city center of Brussels. It is also considered one of the worlds most beautiful squares, and has been a UNESCO world heritage site since 1998. i went into a chocolate shop within the square to try some Belgian chocolate which did not disappoint! I then walked to a nearby restaurant called Lloyd’s cafe for actual breakfast. I ordered a chai latte and Belgian pancakes which totally hit the spot. After, I walked to Mont des Arts which is a garden located below place Royale. It is a really nice green area surrounded by the city. I kept walking until I reached the Church of Our Lady Victories of Sablon which is a Roman Catholic church located in the historic centre of Brussels, Belgium, dedicated to Our Lady of the Sablon. This church was stunning from the outside to the inside adorned with multiple stained glass windows. I then walked to the View which is a ferris wheel that looks over the entire city. I decided I didn't want to actually pay to go up so I enjoyed the view from the bottom. After, I headed to the Square of Petite Sablon which is a Neo-Renaissance garden with a fountain and sculptures. Nearby, was the ING Art Center which had a church I visited. Around the corner, I walked to the royal palace of Brussels which was quite large and beautiful with the golden gates. Across the street is the park of Brussels which is a Lush royal park on site of former hunting ground, with statues, a fountain & outdoor theaters. Next, I went to St Michael’s Cathedral, a medieval Roman Catholic cathedral located in central Brussels. I then took the subway to Cinquantenaire Park which had a beautiful arch and fountain. Then, I made my way back to city center and walked through the Royal Saint-Hubert Galleries which is described as a large shopping arcade. This strip was filled with various different shops from clothing to chocolate. Once through the strip, I was back in Grand-Place which also houses the Brussels stock exchange building. I made by way back home but not before seeing Manneken pis, an emblem of the rebellious spirit of the City of Brussels. That night, I went to dinner at a nearby Italian restaurant that was delicious!

The next day, I decided I wanted to take a day trip to Bruges, Belgium. This ended up being a great decision because it was raining in Brussels when I left but when I arrived in Bruges after an hour train, it was beautiful and sunny. I stored my backpack in a locker and took a bus into the city center area, also called Market Square. In the Market Square is Belfort Tower, a medieval bell tower and one of the city's most prominent symbols. Then, I walked to windmills in Bruges which are next to the water. You could even go up and inside these windmills! After, I walked back towards city center to get on a canal boat tour. I got a ticket for 15 euro and waited 30 minutes before getting on the boat. This was totally worth it because it shows you the whole city from the water and explains everything. It was both relaxing and educational! At this point, I was hungry for lunch so I found a restaurant nearby where I had a burger and fries. After lunch, I began my walk back to the train station but not before stopping at the Church of Our Lady which is another Roman Catholic church, dating mainly from the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries. It was only another 15 minutes before I was back at the train station where I actually took a bus to the airport. Soon I was on my way to my next destination!


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